Uju Okoli, a prominent Nigerian actress, recently made headlines when she candidly expressed her love for garri, a popular West African food made from cassava. She humorously stated, “I don use mouth finish the garri wey then say make i use shoot felm.”
Uju Okoli’s remark highlights the cultural significance of garri in Nigeria, where it is a staple food for many households. Garri, often consumed as a cereal, can be prepared in various ways and is known for its versatility. It is commonly enjoyed with water, sugar, and sometimes milk, creating a refreshing and filling meal.
Uju Okoli’s lighthearted statement resonated with many Nigerians who share her passion for garri. It sparked a wave of humor and relatability among fans, as they could relate to the sensation of thoroughly enjoying a particular food or delicacy.
Beyond the humorous context, Uju Okoli’s comment also reflects her down-to-earth nature and ability to connect with her audience. Her openness about her love for garri further endears her to her fans, who appreciate her authenticity.
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Garri 🥰
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